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Air (Web Browser) 1.9.9
This app is an alternative web browser for mobile devices. Features• Smart searching • Voice search • Views browsing history • Allowsadd bookmarks • Association with http and https links • Allows viewoffline files • Build-in HTML editor • Works on Android 8.1 • PlayHTML5 video • Read text by voice Security settings • Enable/disablejavascript • Allows change "user agent" string to WebView, Windows,Mac OS, Empty, Air, Android, IOS, Windows Phone or set customstring
Logcat Reader 1.6.7
Logcat Reader This application allows viewing system log. This needfor debug purposes. Application solves 3 main problems: Reading logwhen returning to the app Launch applications straight from theapplication log View log on smart TV Features: • Small size - 50kb• Supported all Android platforms • Supported Smart TV • Sharingvia Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox and other (You must have theappropriate application on your device) Application highlights thefollowing types of messages V — Verbose D — Debug I — Info W —Warning E — Error F — Fatal Other types of messages also can viewas text
App Stores Analysis 1.9.4
The app shows analytical information about app stores. • Works onAndroid 12 • Support TV and tablet devices Show statistics about :• Top free apps • Top paid apps • Top new apps • eSports
Smart Home 1.6.7
Smart Home is a remote control for your smart and IOT devices.Features • Simple user interface • Supported HTTP, HTTPS, REST •Supported POST and GET requests • Control IOT devices via SMS •Export and import tools • Support Android 9 • Support Smart TV
Text Recognizer 1.4.7
Text Recognizer Recognizes text through your phone's cameraFeatures • Recognize text from camera • Recognize text from file •Recognize text from image • Switch on/off flashlight duringscanning • Copy a text to clipboard • Export data to SD card • Openlinks in web browser • Send by email • Integration with other apps• Voice search in the list • Support Android 10,11
Automation 1.1.1
Automation Automation for your regular commands Features: • Writeall executed commands to the log • Works on Smart TV • SupportAndroid 10, 11 • Supports multi languages
Bitcoin Tools 1.8.0
The application shows the prices of different cryptocurrenciesFeatures • Shows Information about popular cryptocurrencies • Showsinformation about changes 1h, 24h, 7d • Supported Android Smart TV• Supported Android 8.1 • Night mode • Currency converter
Live Player 2.4.2
This app allows watch video,view streams, listen audio andradiofrom internet on phone, tablet and TV. Features: • Supportmanyvideo and audio formats • Play history • Play library (Openvideoand audio from SD card) • Play Twitch, Vimeo and others video•Support HTML5 Video • Switch to full screen • Support Android 11•Support smart TV • Support TV remote control Supported protocols•RTSP (RTP, SDP) • HTTP/HTTPS Supported media formats (Dependingofyour device and Android version): • Video: 3gp, mp4, m4a, ts, mkv•Audio: aac, flac, mp3, mid, xmf, mxmf, rtttl, rtx, ota, imy,ogg,wav
Live Player Pro 1.8.1
Mobile Solutions Worldwide
This app allows watch video,view streams, listen music andradiofrom internet on phone, tablet and TV. Features: • Supportmanyvideo and audio formats • Play history • Play library (Openvideoand audio from SD card) • Play Twitch, Vimeo and others video•Support HTML5 Video • Switch to full screen • Support Android 11•Support smart TV • Support TV remote control • Picture-in-picture•Set background image • Background play • No Ads Supportedprotocols• RTSP (RTP, SDP) • HTTP/HTTPS Supported media formats(Dependingof your device and Android version): • Video: 3gp, mp4,m4a, ts,mkv • Audio: aac, flac, mp3, mid, xmf, mxmf, rtttl, rtx,ota, imy,ogg, wav
Cloud Manager 1.7.6
Mobile Solutions Worldwide
Cloud Manager allows manage data inside a cloud and localstorage.Features: • You can view files in multi tabs • Basicfunctionseasily accessible • Support TV and tablet devices (withUIoptimized for big screens) • Support multiple color themes•Support bookmarks to files and folders • Build-in text viewerwithsearch • ROOT access supported • Connect to cloud storages•Support Android 12 • No ads
VR Panorama 1.5.8
VR Panorama View your panorama images and videos in VRheadsetFeatures • Preview panorama images and videos without VR •Previewpanorama images and videos in VR headset • Support swipe androtateto move through the image or videos • Open panorama imagesandvideos from gallery
Metadata Hacker 1.3.3
Metadata Hacker - this is a mobile application that allows youtoview, delete and modify metadata as you wish. Features: • Viewallmetadata • Edit all metadata • Delete selected metadata •Clearmetadata
SQLite Explorer 1.8.8
SQLite Explorer for mobile devices Built-in SQLite manager andSQLscript editor. Built-in SD card explorer and search.Built-inexport and import tools. Built-in sql template manager.Export toCSV, XML and JSON Support Android 8 Support Smart TVSupport voicerecognition for SQL queries Support "rooted" devices
Marketplace 2.3.8
Marketplace is mobile app for order our services,buy apps andsourcecode. Features: • Buy source code, apps and order services •Add tofavorites • Purchase information • Seller information•Multi-language support • Virtual consultant withArtificialIntelligence
Card Wallet 1.5.4
Mobile Solutions Worldwide
Application allows store yours credit cards. Supported "add"methods• Manually • Scan EMV card • Scan from image • Scan fromcamera •Via microphone Supported card • American Express • Visa •MasterCard • UnionPay • JCB • World Security • The application isnotconnected to the Internet. • Backups are disabled. • Dataisencrypted using private keys.
SD Manager (File Explorer) 2.9.4
The application allows manage files inside your mobiledevice.Features: • Support multi tabs • Support TV and tabletdevices •Support multiple color themes • Support bookmarks to filesandfolders • Build-in text viewer with search • ROOT access support•Build-in app manager • Preview for images and APK files • Swipetorefresh • File downloader • Supports Android 12 • Sharingviapopular cloud systems
Business Intelligence 1.9.9
Mobile Solutions Worldwide
Business Intelligence makes easier to create reports forbusinessanalysis purposes from a raw data. You can connect to cloudforreceive information. Built-in charts generator. Built-inscripteditor. Built-in file explorer and search. Built-in exportandimport tools. Built-in capture screen and sharing tools.Shownhidden SQLite databases. Support CSV, XML and JSON formats.SmartTV support. Support Android P No ads
NoSQL Explorer 1.7.5
Features Use the editing tools to view and edit data in a tableortext Use the history to download the latest urls Use theexporttool to save data on the SD card in JSON and PNG Supportedformatsare Json and Bson Support Android P Support Android TV
iBeacon Reader 1.6.3
Beacon Reader This application allows read data from iBeacons.•Supported AltBeacons, iBeacon, Eddystone • Validation ofBluetoothLE • Save all received data to SD card. • Supported energysavemode • Supported Android 9
Fidget Hand Spinner Game 1.4.8
This is game about spinner Become Spin Master Reach level 100andget your prize Features • Real spinner sound • Differentspinners •Different backgrounds • Spinner shop • Spinner upgrades •Supportsmart TV • Support Android Q
Face Detection 1.6.3
Face Detection Face Detection application to detect faceusingmachine learning and artificial intelligence The applicationusesyour phone's camera to take a picture. It gives you therelevantinformation like the number of persons in the photo andtheir smilepercentages and the percentages of their opening ofeyes. Features• Face recognition • Face classification • Simpleimage editor •Processing multiple images • Faces database • Regularupdates
Device Information 2.1.2
This app helps you create information report about your device.•Support mobile, tablet and TV devices • Support Android WEAR•Support Android 9 You can see information about • Summary •Device• CPU • Network • Battery • Display • Camera • Android•Applications (Allows control installed applications) •Services(Allows control google play services and web browser) • NFC•Directories • Memory • Sensors • Augmented Reality •NeuralNetworks
Media Recorder 1.6.7
Mobile video and audio recorder. Features • Video recorder •Audiorecorder • Take screenshot • Share files • Support Android 11
GEO Tracker 2.0.2
GEO Tracker is application for create markers on map. Features •Addthe marker with current GPS position • Add the marker withtextlabel • Add the marker with photo • Backup and restore •Markersmanager • Auto full screen mode • Support Android 12
Device Commander 1.6.6
Application allows control your device via NFC, Voice, QR codeorBarcode Ability to replace the standard assistantSupportedcommands • Enable WiFi • Disable WiFi • Show WiFi setting• ShowDevice Setting • Show NFC Setting • Run application • Show EQ•Send SMS • Get phone call • Enable GPS • Disable GPS • ShowGPSsetting • Enable fly mode • Disable fly mode • Enable silentmode •Enable normal mode • Enable vibrate mode • Enable bluetooth•Disable bluetooth Support ROOTED devices
Multi Search 1.2.1
Multi Search Features : • Multi search with popular search engines•Works on Android 11 • Supports multi languages
Smart Translator 1.4.5
Smart translator is your mobile translator. Features • Voicecontrol• Support Smart TV • Support Android 10 • Support multilanguages
App Manager 2.5.7
App helps manage your apps. Features: • Uninstaller • Extractor•Information • Launcher • Installer Root access is NOTneededSupported all kind of devices (Mobile,Tablet,TV, Watch)SupportedAndroid 11 Check for app updates Sharing via GoogleDrive,OneDrive, Dropbox and other (You must have theappropriateapplication on your device) Note: you need the Internetto checkfor updates
Live Music Player 1.9.2
This app allows listen music from SD. Support many audioformatsAuto search Play history Open audio from SD card SupportAndroid8.1 Support Smart TV Support Android Auto Support AndroidWearSupported media formats Audio: aac, flac, mp3, mid, xmf,mxmf,rtttl, rtx, ota, imy, ogg, wav Before using on Android Auto,makesure that your phone or tablet has media files
IO Launcher 1.3.4
Launcher is a simple home screen for Android devices Features•Voice control • Auto generate apps list • Support Android12Installation 1) Install app 2) Reboot device 3) Select launcherinmenu Uninstallation 1) Uninstall app 2) Reboot device
Aura 1.4.2
Features • Promotion of your websites and applications •Ownapplication database • Support all popular devices Innovations •Noregistration needed • Promotion using artificial intelligence•Hidden for spammers and open for clients. Competitors •Cheaperthan popular ads aggregators • Very simple order process •Richeraudience without intermediaries
NFC Manager 2.3.4
Application to read, write, erase and lock your NFC tags Features•Determining the presence of NFC on the device • Open NFC settings•Read , Write, Erase and Lock operations • Save data to SD card•Sharing data • NFC information • Support Android P Supportedtags(short list) IsoDep, NfcA, NfcB, NfcF, NfcV, Ndef,NdefFormatable,MifareClassic, MifareUltralight
Security scanner 2.1.3
Application scans your device for presence of vulnerabilities.Youcan scan • Background processes • Installed apps • Files fromSDcard Features • Stop or uninstall applications based on thescanresult. • Notification manager to disable apps withpushnotifications • Task manager to stop background apps whichdrainbattery • App Manager to manage the installed apps •SupportAndroid 11 • Support Smart TV • Speed up scanning withmachinelearning
Find on map 1.6.0
Find on map The app allows you to choose the map engine andsearchthe address on it Features: • Small size • Search address onthemap • Support of different map engines • Not need installanyadditional services • Support Android 11 • Support Smart TV